Why I am so passionate about mental health, wellness and staying physically healthy?

//Why I am so passionate about mental health, wellness and staying physically healthy?

Why I am so passionate about mental health, wellness and staying physically healthy?

Mental security and personal responsibility.

If anything were to happen to me while driving my car, I know my kids would ask, “was she wearing her seatbelt?”

If I was in a motorcycle accident my kids would ask, “was she wearing a helmet?”

The same thing goes with my health, if I was diagnosed with a chronic illness or anything health-wise happened to me, my kids are going ask, “Mom were you taking your supplements, eating healthy and exercising?”

It is our personal responsibility to those that we love and to ourselves to do what we can in the way of prevention and proactive wellness.

Ask yourself if you are living responsibly. Life is passing by so fast. I hear people say constantly, I don’t have time to workout or I don’t have the money to spend on supplements or I am getting all the nutrients I need from food. All those things are simply not true. You can see our priorities in life by the way we spend our time. You can make time to exercise and prioritize money for supplements and healthy eating.

Exercise is the cheapest depressant available! Please consider regular exercise in your life. It doesn’t have to be lifting weights, you can play pickleball (my favorite) or dance to music, or go for walks. Exercise at least 3-4 times a week and get those endorphins going. Take that extra weight off, why are you carrying all that weight around for anyway? Take care of any problem you have, why not you and why not now?

Keep in mind that not all supplements and herbs are created equally, buy from a responsible manufacturer, do your homework! If you aren’t doing it for yourself, do it for your loved ones. If you have a spouse, get your spouse on board.

You are responsible for your own health, choose well. Be healthy, live healthy, be and live well!

God bless!

2020-05-12T01:30:23+00:00 By |Knowing Yourself|Comments Off on Why I am so passionate about mental health, wellness and staying physically healthy?

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