Why Does A MN Girl Up & Move To Texas At 50?

//Why Does A MN Girl Up & Move To Texas At 50?

Why Does A MN Girl Up & Move To Texas At 50?

Why does a woman born and raised in Minnesota move to Texas alone?

How can she move away from her children, grand babies, parents, brothers and their families, and her friends including her special guy, to move to a place where she knows one person?

I am asked this often.  Originally I would just shrug and say – “God, I believe it is God in my heart beckoning me there.”  A dream was placed in my heart over 10 years ago as I traveled the state of Texas on several speaking tours.  I fell in love with the genuine people, the manners and kindness, and I loved the warm climate.  It became the “empty-nest plan.”

My world came tumbling down when my marriage of 28 years ended in 2012.  I grieved and struggled for the first 2 years of separation, and finally the divorce was stamped by the courts in 2014.   I moved out of my house of 25 years and into a home by myself for the first time in my life.  I not only became an empty-nester of kids, and their friends, I became single.  I hadn’t dated since I was 18 years old.  The world is a much different place

I went after my healing aggressively through counseling, reading, writing, retreats, classes, support groups, church, and new friendships. I lived on the support of my parents and brothers and their wives and some key people.  I could not begin to deal with the broken unity with my children that was once very connected.  Everyone was hurting.  My kids were hearing all sorts of distorted rumors – my life was as if a tornado hit it.  I was shocked by some of the lost relationships during this time, some that I did not think were possible to lose…but then again I once believed that about a husband and wife.

I learned very quickly there are some unhealthy ways to cope and there are some very important things to do to heal the deep wounds.  I made mistakes, I owned them, learned from them and tried to move quickly through them.  I’m pretty sure that will be my next book I write!

Time passed and as I became stronger and grew as a person, my dream became louder.  I decided it was a good time to make the move if I was ever going to do it.  I can work anywhere with my home business and the market for wellness in Texas is prime. I also have a 3 year window with my grand babies – they are small enough where she will not remember much these years – I will have to learn to live with the hole in my heart while I am away from my loved ones.

I appease myself by remembering the full plan is to have 2 places one in MN and one in TX.  I also remind myself I can move back at any time.  I have regular trips scheduled back in the warmer months and holidays.  I can also use Skype and Face-time to be intentional about my connections.  I plan to blog my transition & experiences – my heart is to help others in any way I can.

If I do not follow this deep rooted drive to move to Texas, it will always haunt me. No regrets! I will draw closer to God as he helps me in my fear, my loneliness, my homesickness, and my continued healing.  I really believe the colder MN months will be easier to be south!
